When comparing Operator Mono vs Dank Mono, the Slant community recommends Operator Mono for most people. In the question“What are the best programming fonts?” Operator Mono is ranked 39th while Dank Mono is ranked 61st. The most important reason people chose Operator Mono is:
Operator can be used to mix the same font for syntax formatting.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Has a script version
Operator can be used to mix the same font for syntax formatting.
Pro Super readable
Long strings can be read in Operator exceedingly easily. The font just flows nicely, with all the benefits of clarity that provides.
Pro Horizontal width not as wide as other fixed width fonts
You can legibly read everything and get more characters per line.
Pro Adorable italics
Pro Italic variant with handwriting style
Pro Has ligatures
Pro Cheaper alternative to Operator Mono
Operator Mono costs about $200. Dank Mono looks similar but costs only £40.
Con Relatively expensive
At $179, this font is on the more expensive side.
Con Roman style isn’t very appealing
Con Too thin
He needs to add variants of thickness and then I think he would have a sellar product. You have to set your font size extremely high on hi-res displays to look the way I think he wishes it to be, but then the font is too large.
Con Looks a bit inconsistent, especially italics
Lowercase k looks weird.