When comparing Udacity vs Codewars, the Slant community recommends Udacity for most people. In the question“What are the best websites to learn to code?” Udacity is ranked 5th while Codewars is ranked 15th.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Courses taught by industry professionals
Pro All courses are self-paced
Courses are always made available which means there is no waiting for the specific course you want to run. You can work through the courses as fast or as slow as you want.
Pro Offers Nanodegrees
Udacity offers a few different Nanodegrees which provide access to various different courses, project reviews and coaching support for $200/month.
Current options include Front End Web Developer, Data Analyst and Android Developer. See the full list here.
Pro Courses are easy to understand
Pro Actual feedback on coding projects
You get actual feedback from developers on your code, which is useful. Yes having your sites/apps do what it is supposed to do is important, but you need feedback to learn industry standards/best practices and other gotchas that are much harder to learn on your own.
Pro Language that is easy to understand
Courses are super easy to follow, even for super dummies.
Pro Worth the investment
Pro Challenges cover all areas of programming
Algorithms, OOP, functional programming, you name it - there's a challenge class for it and in just about every language.
Pro Submit your own challenges
If you think you have a good idea for a challenge that could be added to the dojo then go add it and get feedback.
Pro Multi-language support
Users can complete code challenges in over 12 different languages.
Pro Learning gamification
Get points and increase your level by completing coding challenges.
Pro Free
Codewars is completely free to use.
Con Nanodegrees are expensive
Udacity is quite expensive at $200/month if you want to do a nanodegree.
Con Require some coding knowledge
You require some coding knowledge to get an account with code wars. The topics are limited