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When comparing PineBook Pro vs MacBook Air ARM 2020, the Slant community recommends PineBook Pro for most people. In the question“What are the best Notebooks based on ARM processors?” PineBook Pro is ranked 1st while MacBook Air ARM 2020 is ranked 5th. The most important reason people chose PineBook Pro is:
Gives the PineBook Pro a solid feel.
ProcessorRockchip RK3399
ProcessorApple M1 (ARM based)
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
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Pro Magnesium body
Gives the PineBook Pro a solid feel.
Pro Several Linux distros to choose from
Pro Unbeatable price tag
Pro 4G RAM
A lot for an ARM SoC.
Pro Cclose integration of the community into development
A lot of Linux and software development is driven by the community. Even the Hardware is designed with community feedback.
Pro Great matt 1920 x 1080 display
The display is matt and really good.
Pro 17 Hour + Battery life
Pro Modern ARM based Apple M1 processor
Pro Best performance with battery life
Great battery life wish some else can top that.
Con Max 4GB RAM
Not a lot, irrespective of the type of SoC
Con Hardware lock-in
Repair it somewhere else? - forget it.
Con Expensive
Like all Apple products.
Con Software lock-in
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