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When comparing Zrythm vs Seq24, the Slant community recommends Zrythm for most people. In the question“What are the best DAWs? ” Zrythm is ranked 25th while Seq24 is ranked 41st. The most important reason people chose Zrythm is:
Unlike many Linux DAWs, Zrythm comes in one coherent program.
CompatibilityGNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Windows, Mac
Plugin CompatibilityLV2, VST2, VST3, AU, LADSPA, DSSI
CompatibilityWindows, Mac
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Pro Monolithic
Unlike many Linux DAWs, Zrythm comes in one coherent program.
Pro Free software
AGPLv3 licensed with source code available.
Pro Cross-platform
Installers can be bought for Linux, MacOS and Windows. Or you can compile the source code for free on any platform.
Pro Intuitive U.I.
Ability to add MIDI notes, Automate, & Modulate with ease alongside chord assistance.
Pro Looks visually good and the performance is also amazing
Pro Open source
Seq24 can be used and edited by anyone for free.
Con Only free if you compile the source code
Con MIDI only
Seq24 only has MIDI capability, no audio clips allowed.
Con Low compatibility
Seq24 only runs on Linux and win32.