When comparing Yii vs Joomla!, the Slant community recommends Yii for most people. In the question“What are the best PHP frameworks?” Yii is ranked 8th while Joomla! is ranked 19th. The most important reason people chose Yii is:
Yii takes care of repetitive tasks through Gii, a web-based scaffolding tool. Gii takes care of code generation and creating code templates for: * Models * Controllers * Forms * Modules * Extensions * CRUD controller actions and views * There are a lot of scaffolding templates made by community for Gii, that improve generated code functionality by a lot. * Gii is very easy to extend yourself.
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Pro Rapid development through code scaffolding
Yii takes care of repetitive tasks through Gii, a web-based scaffolding tool. Gii takes care of code generation and creating code templates for:
- Models
- Controllers
- Forms
- Modules
- Extensions
- CRUD controller actions and views
- There are a lot of scaffolding templates made by community for Gii, that improve generated code functionality by a lot.
- Gii is very easy to extend yourself.
Pro Comes with important security standarts
Since security is a crucial part of any application, Yii comes with great security features out of the box to help developers create a secure and reliable application. These security features contain but are not restricted to:
- Input validation
- Output filtering
- Features against SQL injection
- Cross-site scripting prevention
Pro Highly extensible
Yii is built to be extremely extensible. Virtually every component of the framework can be extended programmatically. For example, if you want to add a unique id to your views, it's very easy to do:
namespace app\components;
class View extends yii\web\View {
public $bodyId;
/* Yii allows you to add magic getter methods by prefacing method names with "get" */
public function getBodyIdAttribute() {
return ($this->bodyId != '') ? 'id="' . $this->bodyId . '"' : '';
Pro Integrated with a testing framework
Yii makes use of Codeception, a great PHP testing framework that helps developers run their tests. They can be unit, functional or acceptance tests since Codeception supports them all.
Pro Lots of plugins available
Yii has about 2000 addons hosted on Yii's official website. These addons significantly decrease development time and increase the developer's efficiency.
Pro License
Yii is free and open source and is distributed under the BSD License.
Pro Strong community support
Yii has a strong and rather large community behind it. This is proven by the great number of blog posts, tutorials, guides and reviews on the Yii framework as well as the great number of extensions developed for it.
Pro Easy to install
Yii uses Composer to handle it's dependency installation. This is rather easy and not very time consuming, although it should be noted that Composer is very resource-intensive considering what it's job is. But that is not really Yii's fault.
Pro Best framework for CRUD operation
Yii Framework Provides most of features require for crud functionalities like GridView, Listview and DetailView (with jquery search and validation functions) by generating using GII.
Pro Highly extensible without effort
Pro Highly customizable templates
Joomla allows for heavily customizable templates to be changed from the admin interface without needing to hack.
Pro Powerful and user-friendly admin interface
Admin interface is constantly being iterated on to remove unnecessary legacy features and to streamline the interface. Resulting in a very clean and easy to understand interface that also offers a wide range of options.
Pro More than 8000 extensions
Which can be found here.
Pro Easy to pick up
Pro Great for social networking and commerce sites
Joomla has both a good native support and a great list of extensions that make creating either a social networking or a commerce site easy.
Con Can be hard for beginners
Since Yii requires developers to write code following certain rules, or in other words, it requires developers to follow the "Yii way of doing things" it can be hard for beginners to warm up to it and start using it right away.
Con Not very good at many to many relations
(but there is a good plugin, namely CAdvancedArBehavior extension to do this)
Con Insecure
It's common-place for a Joomla-based website to be defaced, often very quickly. This is most often due to the low quality of extensions.
Con Extensions are scarce, badly maintained & rarely good
If it's not part of the default Joomla installation, quality extensions are rare. Joomla has a extensions library, but it is full of abandoned, dated or bloated components, modules and plugins.