When comparing Danmaku Unlimited 2 vs Classic Spider Solitaire, the Slant community recommends Danmaku Unlimited 2 for most people. In the question“What are the best Android games without in-app purchases/paywalls?” Danmaku Unlimited 2 is ranked 83rd while Classic Spider Solitaire is ranked 144th. The most important reason people chose Danmaku Unlimited 2 is:
In a typical bullet-hell fashion, the game requires constant focus, precise control and looks impossible at a distance. But if you are good enough, Danmaku Unlimited 2 can be mastered.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Challenging, but fair
In a typical bullet-hell fashion, the game requires constant focus, precise control and looks impossible at a distance. But if you are good enough, Danmaku Unlimited 2 can be mastered.
Pro Online leaderboards
You can compete with other people to get a higher score.
Pro Smooth touch screen controls
For what can make or break a bullet hell shooter Danmaku Unlimited 2 accomplishes smooth and responsive controls on the touch screen.
Pro Great design to the gameplay
The design of the game ranging from backgrounds to the ships is fantastic to look at in motion.
Pro Can be played across devices
You can start a game on your tablet and finish it on your phone.
Pro Saves progress
The game automatically saves your progress so it's possible to pick it up right where it was left off even if interrupted.
Pro Hints
If you get stuck, hits will help you.
Pro Unlimited undo
So you can backtrack your steps in the game.
Con Not a lot of features
It only takes 10 minutes to see all of what the game offers.