When comparing GNU Make vs Fly, the Slant community recommends GNU Make for most people. In the question“What are the best Node.js build systems / task runners?” GNU Make is ranked 8th while Fly is ranked 13th. The most important reason people chose GNU Make is:
Make takes advantage of the powerful UNIX shell, using it at it's full potential. STDIN and STDOUT are especially useful because of their versatility.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Uses the full power of the UNIX shell
Make takes advantage of the powerful UNIX shell, using it at it's full potential. STDIN and STDOUT are especially useful because of their versatility.
Pro No need for wrapper modules
Other build tools need wrapper modules to do certain tasks. The biggest disadvantage of these wrapper modules is that they bind you to a version of that tool. With Make you don't have that problem, there's no need for wrappers and no tools to bind you to a version, you can use any version of Make that you want.
Pro Works with more than just node.js
Since it's written in C and can be found in all UNIX-based systems it can be used on platforms other than node.js.
Pro Takes advantage of ES6 features
Fly is written to use new ES6 features like generators and promises.
Pro Support for concurrent tasks
Fly supports parallel processing and concurrent tasks via Fly.prototype.start([tasks], { parallel: true })
Pro Smaller build files, with same benefits of a huge one
If it's a fly-
plugin you don't have to require it like you do with every other build tool. Theres no need for wrapper functions for each plugin (aka .pipe()
). If it's a fly-
plugin you just call it directly. The build file get's to the point quickly without adding all the extra fluff. This makes your build file very clean and easy to read!
Pro Very easy to setup
Fly is easy to setup, there are no caveats that you have to know since everything is very intuitive. Also with fly you don't have to repeat your self several times. You just define out what you want and that's it. If it's a fly plugin it will be required automatically without the need for an additional plugin.
Pro Fly plugins are required automatically
If you want to use a Fly plugin in a flyfile, it's automatically required
without needing an additional plugin.
Pro Can run subtasks inside a task
Fly supports running multiple subtasks in a single task without having to create a new one.
Con Doesn't run on Windows by default
Make requires Cygwin/msys2/MinGW to run on Windows.
Con Limited number of plugins
There's still a very limited number of Fly plugins. This can contribute negatively in development time and energies spent to make a plugin to complete a task for which there's none yet.