When comparing 24me vs Omnifocus, the Slant community recommends 24me for most people. In the question“What are the best cross-platform task apps?” 24me is ranked 48th while Omnifocus is ranked 63rd. The most important reason people chose 24me is:
The app has an Android version and an iOS version that syncs with the native reminders app.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Integrates with Android and iOS
The app has an Android version and an iOS version that syncs with the native reminders app.
Pro Combines 4 apps into 1
The app lets you manage your notes, calendar, personal accounts, and to-do list from one place.
Pro Cuts down on procrastination
The self-proclaimed "assistant for everyone," 24me helps people break the cycle of procrastination and willpower exhaustion by automating things they may have otherwise put off until later.
Pro Defer date
Omnifocus allows users to setup the "defer date" which can be treated as "start date". Tasks will not be marked as available until that date, which should help to focus on the "available" task only.
Pro Forecast summary
The forecast summary shows a quick digest of the tasks you have for the day. You can select any day to quickly see what tasks you have planned that day. For extra functionality you can connect with the iPhone’s Calender app, which allows you to also see any other events you have planned that day.
Pro See an overview of all tasks via "Perspective"
The Perspective section allows you to see an overview of the tasks you have set. It also allows you to set contexts or see things you have flagged.
Pro Nearby and context-sensitive tasks
OmniFocus 2 allows you to set up contexts for tasks in certain areas. This makes sure you never miss a task when you're out running errands and happen to be near something you need to do.
Con No desktop or browser client
Con Mac and iOS only
Omnifocus doesn’t work on non-Apple platforms.