When comparing GTDNext vs Momentum, the Slant community recommends Momentum for most people. In the question“What are the best browser-based to-do list apps?” Momentum is ranked 14th while GTDNext is ranked 22nd. The most important reason people chose Momentum is:
Momentum has a different, beautiful background image each day. It displays the time, a welcoming message and a reminder in the middle of the page and hides all other functionality out of focus.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro GTD style lists
All the “Get Things Done” lists you would expect: next actions, someday, waiting, and scheduled.
Pro Automatic next actions
When it comes to choosing your next action, most to-do apps suffer from the same problem: All of your actions (sometimes hundreds in total) are visible to choose from. This can overwhelm users and cause them to give up on the system. GTDNext is different. In the "Next Action" view, only the very next action is shown for each of your projects. This results in a nicely consolidated view of only the things that need your immediate attention.
Pro Unlimited levels of projects and actions
In GTDNext you can set up an unlimited number of levels for your projects and actions, allowing you to plan your project and sub-projects in as much detail as needed.
Pro Areas of Focus
GTDNext supports the “Areas of Focus” methodology from Getting Things Done. You can filter all of your tasks to just show your work tasks, side project tasks, or personal tasks. There is also a global filter, so that when you’re hard at work you can focus only on your work projects and tasks.
Pro Option to visualize all projects and tasks in a single outline view
This is really useful because it prevents you from having to navigate through each project individually.
Pro Many keyboard shortcuts available
The number of keyboard shortcuts makes it easy to log or add tasks without removing your hands from the keys.
Pro Beautiful design
Momentum has a different, beautiful background image each day. It displays the time, a welcoming message and a reminder in the middle of the page and hides all other functionality out of focus.
Pro Provides with weather information
Current temperature and weather conditions are shown in the top-right corner.
Pro Built-in to-do list
Momentum has a simple to-do list that can be accessed from the bottom-right corner of the page.
Pro Reminds of the day's goal
Momentum asks the user what's the focus of the day and then shows that information is each time a new tab is opened.
Pro Inspirational quote
Momentum shows you a new inspirational quote, once a day.
Pro Displays bookmarks nicely
It shows your bookmarks and most frecent sites in a really nice way
Con No mobile app available
Con Web only
GTDNext does not have native apps for other devices, but it does work across PC/Mac/Linux on the web client.
Con No Google Tasks integration
Con Some basic features not free
It costs to use features like changing the background manually.
Con Can't add bookmarks
You can't add bookmarks to it
Con Can't be customized
There are no customization options. Existing items can't be turned off.
Con 4K images not available
When accessed from a 4K display, the images will be bad quality.