When comparing Omnifocus vs Nirvanahq, the Slant community recommends Nirvanahq for most people. In the question“What are the best GTD apps?” Nirvanahq is ranked 3rd while Omnifocus is ranked 11th.
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Pro Defer date
Omnifocus allows users to setup the "defer date" which can be treated as "start date". Tasks will not be marked as available until that date, which should help to focus on the "available" task only.
Pro Forecast summary
The forecast summary shows a quick digest of the tasks you have for the day. You can select any day to quickly see what tasks you have planned that day. For extra functionality you can connect with the iPhone’s Calender app, which allows you to also see any other events you have planned that day.
Pro See an overview of all tasks via "Perspective"
The Perspective section allows you to see an overview of the tasks you have set. It also allows you to set contexts or see things you have flagged.
Pro Nearby and context-sensitive tasks
OmniFocus 2 allows you to set up contexts for tasks in certain areas. This makes sure you never miss a task when you're out running errands and happen to be near something you need to do.
Pro Solid project management
Pro Allows setting how much effort a task will take
You can set how long a task will take and how much effort will it ask of you on a scale of 1 to 3.
Pro Allows adding items via email
Pro Use start dates
A vital functionality in a GTD app.
Pro Beautiful interface
Clean, intuitive user interaction. The design is very thoughtful. Somehow it makes Things feel clunky, despite obvious similarities of all GTD platforms.
Pro Can email focus list
The app can send you the most important items for the day in an email.
Pro Allows to add postponed tasks
You can postpone a task. It helps not to clutter task lists up until you really need them.
Pro Beautiful interface
Clean, intuitive interface — both desktop and mobile. Lots of intelligent design thinking behind this. Somehow makes other GTD apps like Things feel clunky, despite similarities.
Pro Native support for Areas of Responsibility
Con Mac and iOS only
Omnifocus doesn’t work on non-Apple platforms.
Con No way to add sub-projects
Con Does not integrate with other apps or services
Con No recur upon completion option
If you have a daily recurring task, it will recur every day regardless if it's been completed the prior day.
Con No attachments
Can't add any attachments to the tasks - no photos, no pdfs.
Con Limited features in the free version
Free version limited to 5 projects, 3 reference lists and 2 areas.
Con No desktop widget
Con No way to work with teams
This is a one-person solution, there is absolutely no ability to share projects with others.