When comparing Tizen vs jQuery Mobile, the Slant community recommends Tizen for most people. In the question“What are the best frameworks for creating mobile web apps?” Tizen is ranked 6th while jQuery Mobile is ranked 9th. The most important reason people chose Tizen is:
Some parts of the OS are open source.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Open source
Some parts of the OS are open source.
Pro Fast
Pro HTML5-based
Pro Resources
With HTML5 development being relatively amateur jQuery Mobile has a vast selection of resources to assist. These resources include websites, books, apps and other frameworks, 3rd party plugins and extensions, and more. All of these can help ramp up and excel the project development cycle.
Pro ThemeRoller
An interactive tool that has been created to customize an apps theme. Users can import a current theme, make changes, and export the theme back to the app for integration.
Pro Download Builder
To optimize application development jQuery Mobile provides a tool to allow the user to customize the framework. It contains the ability to pick and choose which modules to include and then bundles the framework so it contains only what is needed.
Con Based on EFL libraries
A perfect experience of a developer working with EFL: https://what.thedailywtf.com/topic/15001/enlightened
Con Worst Code Base
Amihai Neiderman, a Kaspersky Labs researcher said, “It may be the worst code I’ve ever seen, Everything you can do wrong there, they do it. You can see that nobody with any understanding of security looked at this code or wrote it.”
Con Lack of apps
Con Aesthetically unappealing
Con Lack of security
With the recent discoveries of a number of security flaws, tizen is no longer a secure OS that it advertises.
Con The project is practically abandoned
The last release was in 2014. Samsung Tizen Advanced UI (TAU), for example, was started with JQuery, but it was forked off and completely rebuilt from scratch with jQuery concepts but without JQuery dependency itself.
Con Clunky and slow
Con No MVC support
There is no included MVC support in jQuery Mobile. It is possible to achieve this, however, using other frameworks such as BackboneJS in combination with jQuery Mobile, but there are a few limitations. Specifically that MVC frameworks, such as BackboneJS or KnockoutJS, are not compatible with jQuery Mobile page routing.