When comparing Flowdock vs Mattermost, the Slant community recommends Flowdock for most people. In the question“What is the best team chat software?” Flowdock is ranked 4th while Mattermost is ranked 6th. The most important reason people chose Flowdock is:
An easy & simple interface to filter chat discussion into separate threads.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Threaded discussions
An easy & simple interface to filter chat discussion into separate threads.
Pro Drag and drop file sharing
Files can be dragged and dropped in to the flow dock screen for upload.
Pro Multi-platform
Browser Based, as well as:
- iPhone and iPad App
- Android App
- Mac OS X App
Pro Stored chat history
Content and discussions are stored forever.
Pro Smart pastes & code syntax highlighting
Pro Private chat option
Able to speak privately/talk head-to-head.
Pro Notification system
A specific user or everyone in the channel can be notified via @user or @everyone respectively.
Pro A full developer API
Flowdock API allows developers the freedom to create custom integrations.
Pro Create and assign PRs from Flowdock
You can interact with Github directly from Flowdock to create PRs.
Pro Free for teams of five, non-profits and students
Pro Data exports
Back up conversations and files fully at any time.
Pro Add Tools
On top of our 50+ custom integrations, easily integrate any tool that sends emails or generates RSS feeds, as well as having the option to build a custom integration with Flowdock's API
Pro Status updating
Allows co-workers to know what you’re up to "/status I'm busy today!"
Pro Google Apps Integration
Google Apps get a Flowdock link to the Apps tool-bar and won't have to separately manage users
Pro Typo Fix-ups
Pro Able to host users external to your team
When working with stakeholders (clients or partners) you can add organizations to manage internal privacy
Pro Can be self-hosted
You don't need to rely on someone else's servers, you can host Mattermost on your own server.
Pro One-line Docker install
With Docker set up, you can install Mattermost with the following command:
docker run --name mattermost-dev -d --publish 8065:80 mattermost/platform
For other cases, installation instructions can be found here.
Pro Similar to Slack
Almost all features of Slack are available in Mattermost.
Pro Free - OpenSource
You can download and use it as free for self-hosted server.
Pro Mobile apps for android and iOS
Pro You can change theme
Pro Desktop app for MacOS, Linux and Windows
Pro Browser notifications
Pro Mark-Down support
Yes, it supports markdown.
Con Proprietary (non-free/libre)
Con No self-hosting available
If you are worried about third-parties getting access to your data you should consider self-hosting. With self-hosting you are in control over where your data is stored, who has access to it. You will also not be vulnerable to exploits of a third-party provider.
Con Buggy android app
Google sign up didn't work, then after going to the website to do the sign up, the invite team members screen was broken.
Con Free only for small teams, non-profits or students
Unless it's used by a team of less than five people, a non-profit or students, Flowdock will cost $3/mo per person.
Con No easy End-to-End Encryption setup
Con Features not available out of the box
Difficult to setup the many features it offers. The easy docker installation is for the application only, not it's feature sets. Requires a license for full-set of features.
Con Centralized
Con Poorly made iOS app
Built natively using React it suffers from unresponsiveness, input lag, and sometimes broken services. Coupled with a bad user experience.
Con Poorly made Android app
The Android application is just a badly wrapped web-view which does not perform well and has no form of offline caching whatsoever.
Con Self-Hosted
This doesn't work for every type of company. Mainly great for those concerned with privacy, security, compliance and control of your data/information.