When comparing xpert timer vs Timing for Mac, the Slant community recommends Timing for Mac for most people. In the question“What are the best time tracking apps for freelancers?” Timing for Mac is ranked 10th while xpert timer is ranked 27th. The most important reason people chose Timing for Mac is:
No start/stop timers, no forgetting to track time.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro No subscription needed
Pay once and use as long as you want, no monthly fees or payment plans.
Pro Team tracking
Multiple users can track time at the same time.
Pro Built in user reporting
Allows one to easily see what things are wasting time in ones workflow.
Pro Works on and offline
All one needs to do is sync up to an internet connection at some point for all data to syn between devices. The app can be used offline to only connect to the internet at a later time to sync.
Pro Android version available
There is an Android version of the app available for use, though it does cost separate from the PC app.
Pro Fully automatic
No start/stop timers, no forgetting to track time.
Pro Easy time analysis after the fact
once a users day is finished they can go through the history of the app to pick and choose what tasks are worth keeping for time tracking of the day. This makes it easy in the sense that there is no manual tracking needed to be done, everything is recorded and then can be filtered down to the users work tasks.
Pro No Subscription Needed
The app works completely offline - no user data leaves your computer and you don't have to pay some monthly fee.
Con Free versions have limited uses
The free Android version has only 50 uses allowed and the free PC version has a limited 30 day trial. While nice to be able to try the app for free many other timers allow single user unlimited use of their apps.
Con No iOS version available
The software is only available for Windows and Android operating systems.
Con Only works on one device, no billing, no syncing and no mobile or web apps
Timing has a pretty limited use for a paid app as it only works on one Mac device. There is no cloud sync to get the schedules synced to another device. There is also no billing built into the app.
Con Mac only
Is only compatible with OSX, so is pretty limiting in that regard.