When comparing BugSense vs Crittercism, the Slant community recommends Crittercism for most people. In the question“What are the best solutions for mobile error tracking?” Crittercism is ranked 1st while BugSense is ranked 2nd. The most important reason people chose Crittercism is:
Crittercism's dashboard shows all the information needed for finding and fixing bugs. It displays all running threads at the time the crash occurred, memory usage, battery level, disk space, sdcard space and other important information about the device.
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Pro Offer a Free Plan
If you've got a small app, with a limited number of users and almost zero revenue. You can always go for Bugsense's free plan. However there's a catch : the free plan comes with just 7 days data retention.
Pro Simple installation
Bugsense's integration into your web app involves as little as adding one extra line of code to your source file.
Pro Powerful Insights into your Mobile App errors
If you have a mobile app built using web technologies, you'd require a bit more than just an error pin pointed in your JS file or even a stack trace. You'd want yourself to be notified of the OS versions the errors are frequently occuring on, and a little more client side data. And BugSense does exactly that!
Pro The UI is extremely user-friendly
Crittercism's dashboard shows all the information needed for finding and fixing bugs. It displays all running threads at the time the crash occurred, memory usage, battery level, disk space, sdcard space and other important information about the device.
Pro Supports All Mobile Platforms:
iOS, Android, Android NDK, Windows Phone, Unity, Xamarin, Appcelerator, HTML5
Pro Used by many big companies
Crittercism is used by Netflix, eBay, Nike, etc.
Pro Free plan available
The Free plan includes up to 30000 Monthly users, data retention for upto 30 days and Email support. So if you have a small to medium sized app, you can go for Crittercism.
Con Free Plan is quite limited
Even though it might seem ironic, but one of Bugsense's pros is also one of its cons. The free plan is limited to only 500 crashes a month, and has a pretty tight limit on the size of the APK (Android) you can integrate it with.