When comparing Buddy vs Bitrise, the Slant community recommends Bitrise for most people. In the question“What are the best continuous integration tools?” Bitrise is ranked 9th while Buddy is ranked 15th.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Easy Pipeline Setups
The ease to setup custom pipelines are amazing, can easily various settings quickly and then be ready to deploy.
Pro Multitude of Actions
Almost any action you can need and think of is already here, making it easy for you to setup your pipeline.
Pro Nice material design
The design is minimalistic and based on today's standarts on material design. It uses colors which are pleasing to the eye and displays the information in an ordered way. The main view shows the latest activity sorted in a chronological order, displaying commits and pushes.
Every repo has it's own view, on the top there's the repo's name and a dropdown which displays the current branch with the ability to change to another branch or to create a new one.
On the right there's a vertical menu with links to add a new file, show the history or to download the current repository.
Pro Free private repositories
Private repositories are free. Although they are free for up to 3 repos and each repository must be less than 100MB in size.
Pro Lots of integrations, for example discord, slack
Pro Dozens of service integrations
Pro Visual configuration editor
The configuration can be specified without the need to change the code repository
Pro Quick setup
Automatic repository scanner, to generate a base configuration.
Pro GitHub and Bitbucket integration, also supports other Git services
Webhook server is also open source.
Pro Free plan available
Pro Store YAML in version control
Con Unlimited private repositories are not free
To have more than three repositories and to bypass the limit of 100MB per repository it's not free. It costs $3/month.