When comparing Paint3D vs 3D-Coat, the Slant community recommends Paint3D for most people. In the question“What are the best voxel editors?” Paint3D is ranked 4th while 3D-Coat is ranked 5th. The most important reason people chose Paint3D is:
Has a free trial version and a cheap full version.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Affordable
Has a free trial version and a cheap full version.
Pro Scripting support
Can be used to generate models, import stuff, animate, etc.
Pro Can export traditional 3D models
Pro Interoperates with 2D paint programs
Pro Supports multiple voxel formats
Pro Easy to use
Pro Uses 32-bit color with real volumetric transparency
Pro Supports both "per voxel" drawing and smooth "sculpting"
Pro A known app for retopology
3D coat is also known in the game industry to be a great app to preform retopology.
Pro Link to Photoshop, or any app that can open PSD files
You can save and open your texture work in apps like Photoshop, work on them and send them directly back to 3D coat. It will remember your layers and update.
Pro Professionals recommend 3D Coat for Handpainted textures
You can texture in many styles with this app, but when it comes to Handpainting, as seen in World of Warcraft and Torchlight, 3D Coat is the one that many professionals will advice you to as their top choice.
Pro PBR materials
3D Coat supports the creation of your own PBR materials that are ready to be used in the PBR workflow.
Pro Voxel sculpting
Voxel sculpting is entirely free from the bounds of polygons and topology.
Pro A fast and fun way to UV
3D coat has made UVing my work go super fast and it's actually quite fun because you're finished in a breeze.
Con The web site's domain is no longer available
Using the WayBackMachine to get the site's contact email address, I attempted to contact the developer to find out what the story is. There has been no response. The WayBackMachine's last archive date for the site was 11Jan2016. Their cached version of the paint3D.net's forum does not have any post explaining what happened.
Con Not a voxel program
This is a paid texture program. Why is it in this list?
Con Voxel sculpting hits your system
Voxel is quite heavy on your computer, if you intent to use this as your main model and sculpt app do enough research to see if your computer can handle it and if you have the right graphic card for it. If you really have doubts , just go ask in the forums.
Con 7 layer restriction in the affordable version
The cheapest version available only lets you paint on 7 layers, which is very unfortunate.