Papaly vs Subtle tab
When comparing Papaly vs Subtle tab, the Slant community recommends Papaly for most people. In the question“What are the best new tab extensions for Chrome?” Papaly is ranked 1st while Subtle tab is ranked 19th. The most important reason people chose Papaly is:
You can organize your bookmarks however you want.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Easily customizable
You can organize your bookmarks however you want.
Pro Great bookmark resource
Simple and well designed bookmarklet with a lot of useful features.
Pro Cross platform
Pro Has Google calendar integration
You can check current day events on every new-tab. It really makes it easy to keep track of events.
Pro Syncs across browsers
All data from notes gets synced to a Chrome browser in your home device.
Pro Has a notes widget
Easy to create multiple notes list.
Pro Eye catching wallpapers
Wallpapers load extremely fast and it has various categories already sorted for wallpapers.
Pro 100% Free
No hidden charges. Cuztomisable wallpapers are enough forme
Pro Has Todo Widget with Todoist and Wunderlist Integrations
It's easy to track the tasks on phone and new tab due to integrations.
Con So far impossible to delete account
Menus only give option to deactivate, not delete account. Can't log into helpdesk with main account credentials (as it says you should), so no way of tracking submitted ticket. Deleting account should not require helpdesk input.
Con It is slow on Chrome web browser
A new tab opens slower than on others.
Con No Android App
Con Not very customizable
More customizations features would help.