When comparing goormIDE vs Visual Studio for OSX, the Slant community recommends Visual Studio for OSX for most people. In the question“What are the best IDEs for C++ on Mac OS X?” Visual Studio for OSX is ranked 6th while goormIDE is ranked 12th.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Cloud IDE
Goorm IDE is a cloud IDE, making it easy to sign into and code from anywhere.
Pro Supports most languages and frameworks
Goorm IDE has support for C, C++, Java, Js, python, ruby, node express, jquery, angular, and bootstrap. It even supports web server and integrated debuggger.
Pro Super easy
No more configurations, just a few clicks. It's fully ready to develop.
Pro Root access to shell
Goorm allows the user to access their shell as the root user, and SSH is also supported.
Pro Free, and now with Xamarin support built-in to target most Oses.
Pro Visual Studio UI
Visual Studio set the IDE standard for most of the '90s. Although it has languished somewhat and some embarrassing UI defects remain in the Windows version, we can hope that Microsoft will deliver a fairly well-organized IDE for the Mac.
Con English is not the primary language
If you do a google search for Goorm IDE, much of the results are in Korean, which is the same with their social media. If you don't speak Korean, you may have difficulty finding more information on Goorm or asking for help/support.
Con Latency at times due to location
Likely the servers are in Korea which introuces a little Lag at times when usingthe terminal.
Con Currently doesn't support C++
As of now, Visual Studio for Mac only supports .NET, C#, and F#.
Con VS doesn't support C11 for windows! mac will never ever see C support in there.
No wonder MS team hates C language - they've stolen from Unix so many things and Unix is still there :) Now mac 'borrowed'BSD - so for those stupid things buying mac ONLY, they will never promote free things.