When comparing Chocolat vs Angular IDE (by Webclipse), the Slant community recommends Angular IDE (by Webclipse) for most people. In the question“What are the best JavaScript IDEs or editors?” Angular IDE (by Webclipse) is ranked 31st while Chocolat is ranked 44th.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Built-in access to MDN
Chocolat offers integrated web-based documentation, so you can quickly look up anything you might need clarification on.
Pro Unlimited split viewing
Chocolat allows you to view as many files side-by-side as you'd like, rather than limiting you to two.
Pro Live error checking
Chocolat supports live error checking.
Pro Great look
The native Mac looks awesome.
Pro Excellent theme support
Themes can be tweaked in various ways, such as in terms of font-size, colors, and highlighting colors.
Pro Code completion
Chocolat will auto-complete JS variables, keywords, methods, functions, and parameters.
Pro Advanced coding of HTML templates with validation and auto-complete
Pro Angular-CLI
Integrated usage of the angular-CLI for Angular best practices.
Pro TypeScript 2.x validation and debugging
Con Mac only
Chocolate is only available for Mac.
Con Commercial
Con Very slow
Slower as compared to other editors/ides like VScode, Sublime, Comodo.
Con Commercial
Gives only 8 days per month to use all features like automatic imports, code formatting and so on.