When comparing ArangoDB vs Redis, the Slant community recommends Redis for most people. In the question“What are the best databases to use for Node.js applications?” Redis is ranked 4th while ArangoDB is ranked 9th.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Document and graph-orientend
You can model your data as documents or as a graph - no data model lock-in. You can even combine both models and use them in a single AQL query.
Pro Supports joins
Unlike many NoSQL databases, ArangoDB does support joins in AQL queries.
Pro JavaScript-API
You can extend ArangoDB using JavaScript that runs directly on the Server (Google V8). You can build data-centric microservices that aggregate, validate, transform or enrich data (It's up to you, plain JavaScript) and provide those via a custom API route.
Pro Transaction save
You can use ACID Transactions for short and small data retrieval and/or modification operations in ArangoDB.
Pro Easy cluster setup
Pro Powerful Java Driver (Sync & Async)
ArangoDB has a very good Java Driver for synchronous and asynchronous. In addition the team there is working on a Spring Data integration.
Pro Redis is written in ANSI C and therefore doesn't have a VM
Pro Good support
Redis has great docs, an active mailing list, and a github community.
Pro Redis uses the BSD license
This means that it is able to be used in a commercial product if one wants.
Pro There are numerous client libraries and frameworks to make redis more powerful
For Node.JS for example you can get something similar to what Parse.com was offering by using Node ORM.