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When comparing SAWStudio vs n-Track 8, the Slant community recommends n-Track 8 for most people. In the question“What are the best DAWs? ” n-Track 8 is ranked 36th while SAWStudio is ranked 38th.
CompatibilityWin, Mac, Android, iOS
Included soundsGM Sampler
Max number of tracksUnlimited
Processing typeFloating point (32 and 64 bit)
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Common Questions
Pro Reliable
Rarely crashes.
Pro Incredibly fast and small since much of the code is written in assembly
It weighs just over 5 MB while sill being full-featured.
Pro High quality customer service
Pro A step-sequencer composition mode
Pro Cross-platform
Compatible with Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android devices.
Pro Low CPU usage and light installer
Pro Clear and nice interface
Pro You can share projects with mobile versions
There are Android and iOS versions of this DAW, which allows for composing and playing on the go.
Pro Affordable price
Pro Supports all major plugin formats
Vst, Vst3 and AU.
Con Very expensive
SAWStudio is now $1200, SAWStudio Lite is $600 and SAWStudio Basic is $300.
Con GUI is outdated
Con Unreliable effects
When three or more effects are applied, their parameters behave sporadically.