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When comparing Emmet vs SideBar Enhancements, the Slant community recommends SideBar Enhancements for most people. In the question“What are the best plugins for Sublime Text?” SideBar Enhancements is ranked 2nd while Emmet is ranked 3rd.
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Pro Makes writing CSS really fast
Emmet does not only work with HTML, but also CSS.
Pro Makes writing HTML really fast
Either watch the video below or read this article to see all the things you can do with Emmet. the video link is absent
Pro Adds goodness to context of clicks
Pro Adds a ton of functionality to the sidebar
- Move to trash
- Clipboard
- Open in browser
- Copy the content of a file as data:uri base64
- Close, move, open and restore buffers affected by a rename/move command
- Copy as tags img/a/script/style
- Duplicate
- Preference to control if a buffer should be closed when affected by a deletion operation
- Allows to display "file modified date" and "file size" on statusbar
Con Requires pyv8
Emmet is a Javascript addon, and it requires pyv8 (python-javascript bridge) to run.
Con Data collection
SE ships your data off to Kite.
Con ST2 version is not maintained anymore
The last ST2 version is available here. All future functionality will be added only to the ST3 version.