When comparing Beer Buddy - Scanner & Ratings vs Turbo FTP Client, the Slant community recommends Turbo FTP Client for most people. In the question“What are the best Material Design apps?” Turbo FTP Client is ranked 58th while Beer Buddy - Scanner & Ratings is ranked 80th. The most important reason people chose Turbo FTP Client is:
Turbo FTP is developed within the Material Design guidelines making for a nice looking FTP app on Android that has a familiar interface for anyone familiar with Material Design.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Save ratings, with or without an account
Whether or not the user has a Rate Beer account, they have access to most of the features, including rating a beer or place.
Pro Lots of reviews by unbiased users
Beer Buddy uses Rate Beer's vast database of beers and user ratings, so the user knows they're getting reviews from real people.
Pro Bar code scanner works
There's no need to install a bar code scanner app to use this feature. Scan a beer's bar code, and the beer's information is available.
Pro Keeps track of beers that the user likes, dislikes or want to try
This app keeps track of the users reviews, quick "ticks", favorites, tasted, "On tap" (wants), recently viewed, recently scanned, and notes.
Pro Material design
Turbo FTP is developed within the Material Design guidelines making for a nice looking FTP app on Android that has a familiar interface for anyone familiar with Material Design.
Pro Supports multiple FTP configurations
Turbo FTP client handles FTP, FTPS, FTPES and SFTP protocols, making for a wide array of configurations that Turbo FTP Client can work with, no matter the FTP it needs to connect to or share.
Pro Multiview support
For Samsung devices that can use the multiview feature, Turbo FTP Client can utilize multiple windows.
Con Outdated
This app was last updated in July 2015, so there are potential vulnerabilities
Con Has low memory issues
Turbo FTP Client may run in to problems with a device running out of memory during a transfer, meaning the app will crash due to Android memory management. Making it difficult to successfully pull off transfers as well as use any other application during a transfer.