When comparing Aptana Studio vs Chocolat, the Slant community recommends Aptana Studio for most people. In the question“What are the best JavaScript IDEs or editors?” Aptana Studio is ranked 40th while Chocolat is ranked 44th. The most important reason people chose Aptana Studio is:
Aptana Studio has standalone (130.7 MB for Windows) and Eclipse-plugin versions.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Available in standalone and Eclipse plugin versions
Aptana Studio has standalone (130.7 MB for Windows) and Eclipse-plugin versions.
Pro HTML5-aware code assist
Aptana's code assist displays which tags are supported by which browsers.
Pro Support for web projects
Aptana was specifically created for web application development. It supports a variety of languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and Ruby.
Pro Built-in terminal
Has a built-in terminal emulator from which you can run commands.
Pro Free and open source
Aptana is available for free under the GPL license with source code available on GitHub.
Pro Git integration
Aptana provides integrated support for Git to make collaboration and version control easier.
Pro Built-in access to MDN
Chocolat offers integrated web-based documentation, so you can quickly look up anything you might need clarification on.
Pro Unlimited split viewing
Chocolat allows you to view as many files side-by-side as you'd like, rather than limiting you to two.
Pro Live error checking
Chocolat supports live error checking.
Pro Great look
The native Mac looks awesome.
Pro Excellent theme support
Themes can be tweaked in various ways, such as in terms of font-size, colors, and highlighting colors.
Pro Code completion
Chocolat will auto-complete JS variables, keywords, methods, functions, and parameters.
Con Many dependencies
Aptana has a couple of dependencies to keep in mind.
It is built with Java and and has some requirements for the JDK version.
Aptana requires Git, and Eclipse 3.5+ if you are installing it as an Eclipse plugin.
Con No longer updated
Language support is increasingly dated.
Con Mac only
Chocolate is only available for Mac.