When comparing CheckiO vs Coursera, the Slant community recommends Coursera for most people. In the question“What are the best resources to learn Python?” Coursera is ranked 6th while CheckiO is ranked 18th. The most important reason people chose Coursera is:
There is an option to earn a verified certificate as proof you completed the course (for use on LinkedIn, resumes etc.). The cost varies between courses, but is generally around $49-$60.
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Pro Community backed solution reviews
Users can publish their solutions for different problems and other users can review the code and give their opinions on how they would have solved the problem.
Sometimes, some of the most active users get their code reviewed by Guido Van Rossum (the creator of the Python language) himself.
Pro Available in multiple languages
CheckiO crowdsources translations for problems. Currently problems have been translated in 10 languages. So it's highly possible that eventually more languages will be supported.

Pro Ability to create new challenges
New missions can be created and uploaded using GitHub. After that is done, it's suggested to CheckiO and if it fills all the requirements after being reviewed by a CheckiO team member, it's pulled into the game.

Pro Challenges from GitHub, O'Reilly, Dropbox and Hubspot.
Pro Some courses offer a verified certificate for a fee
There is an option to earn a verified certificate as proof you completed the course (for use on LinkedIn, resumes etc.). The cost varies between courses, but is generally around $49-$60.
Pro High quality courses from well known universities
Many courses offered at Coursera are from well known universities (such as Stanford and Princeton) and instructed by their professors. Often the material taught in the Coursera courses is material from the actual university course.
Pro Wide selection of courses
Coursera offers over 1000 courses on a variety of different topics. Courses are offered on learning to code and specific languages, but there is also a large selection of courses that would be beneficial to someone wanting to learn more about computer science as well (algorithms, data science, computer security) and plenty others.
Pro You can audit courses for free
Pro Courses offered in a variety of languages (with transcriptions available)
Coursera offers courses from all around the world, resulting in courses taught in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Turkish and a long list of others. Transcriptions for a large number of languages are offered for each course.
Con Not for absolute beginners
CheckiO does not teach syntax, instead it teaches how to solve problems using a particular programming language therefore some basic programming knowledge is required to start.
Con Courses are not always available
Courses are run on set dates, though some courses provide access to the material whether or not the course is running (however, there will be far less student activity in the forums when the course is not running).
Some courses only make their material available when the course is running, so you may have to wait a long period (sometimes months) for your course to be offered.
Con You cannot take the full courses for free
While you used to be able to take courses for free and earn a statement of accomplishment, this is no longer the case. You can only audit the courses if you are not paying. Coursera makes it seem like you should also do the quizzes, but the submit button says "Upgrade to submit".