Loggly vs Sumo Logic
When comparing Loggly vs Sumo Logic, the Slant community recommends Loggly for most people. In the question“What are the best log management, aggregation & monitoring tools?” Loggly is ranked 6th while Sumo Logic is ranked 12th. The most important reason people chose Loggly is:
[Unlike Airbrake](https://github.com/airbrake/airbrake-js/issues/82), you don't have to add try/catch blocks to automatically capture JavaScript errors.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Automatically captures JavaScript errors
Unlike Airbrake, you don't have to add try/catch blocks to automatically capture JavaScript errors.
Pro Hosted on a CDN already
Unlike Airbrake or LogEntries, you can download the library from GitHub and concatenate/minify it along with your other JS, or you can use it directly from Loggly's CDN.
Pro Supports raw text, syslogs, and JSON
Raw text, syslogs, and JSON can be fed to Loggly.
Pro Easy to set up
You only have to set up a HTTP JSON input and there are community examples to guide you.
Pro Scalable
Sumo logic is entirely cloud based and very scalable.
Pro Flexible licensing model
Licensing cost is primarily determined by daily ingest of logs, however this is averaged out over 30 days instead of locking a user out of their own data after an arbitrary number of license breaches.
Pro Truly multi-tenant
Sumo Logic is truly multi-tenant, a single instance running on the server can serve multiple groups of users.
Pro A large set of supporting Apps
Allows customers to quickly setup and start getting actionable insights from their infrastructure by using Apps that integrate with various different platforms out of the box.
Con Expensive
Loggly QUICKLY overflows the 200mb daily free allowance.
Con Difficult to setup
Setup is not easy, the whole process is disjointed, with open source libraries that regularly change and out of date installation instructions.
Con The UI is confusing
The UI is very difficult to use, but it does offer a lot of features.
Con Timestamps are in UTC in the UI, and can't be converted
Loggly shows all timestamps in UTC, and the bookmarklet that's supposed to convert them to local time doesn't work.
Con JavaScript tracker has removed tag support
Con Useless need for collectors
You have to install a plugin on each host to collect logs, the collector is 89MBs and is written in Java. there's no reason to install a Java tool to send syslog data when Linux already does that natively. The memory footprint for Java-based apps is way too high and, in this case, completely unnecessary.
Con Does not support structured data
They don't support RFC5424 standard events
Con Install is very painful
Con Search is very difficult
Here's an example:_sourceCategory=*windows* _sourceName=Security (4771 OR 4768 OR 4776 OR 4625) | parse regex "EventIdentifier = (?<event_id>\d+?);" | parse regex "ComputerName = \"(?<hostname>.+?)\"" | parse regex "(?:Result|Failure|Error) Code:.+?(?<result_code>0x[A-Fa-f\d]+)\b" nodrop | where result_code !="0x0" AND event_id in ("4771", "4768", "4776","4625") | count by hostname
Con Indexing and search are very slow
Sending around 45000 events to it may take more than 3 minutes to show up in the interface.
Once they show up, a search may take up to 32 seconds to return results. On only 45000 events, the search should return in milliseconds.
Con Difficult / Confusing Interface
The service and interface are very confusing.
Con There can be issues with smaller vendors
There may be some issues when using devices and services for smaller vendors which are not officially supported by Sumo Logic.