Start menu lacks expected customization options

It's not possible to cascade menus, pin files, locations or apps to the list (it's possible to pin apps to the live tile section) or add custom menus.

8 years ago

Cascanding menus is possible in Start, but creating/modifying them isn't readily apparent. Right-click on a regular Windows app (not a Metro/universal app), select the More submenu, and choose Open File Location. Unlike in Windows 7, where it would take you to the .exe location, Windows 10 will take you to the Start Menu folder, either in your user profile, or in C:\ProgramData. Once there, you can create folders and move shortcuts into them, etc to create the hierarchy you want.

Harvey Rose
Harvey Rose
8 years ago

Hmm, that's interesting. Tried it out and it takes me to my local AppData folder. That's good to know, thank you! It's too bad it's relatively complicated, though.

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