Actively developed and updated open source project

Not your grandpa's fossil Pascal: it continues to add cool new features and borrow some ideas from other modern languages like C#, Python, Kotlin and Haskel. (See here).

4 years ago

Not your grandpa's ancientfossil Pascal: it continues to add cool new features and borrow some ideas from other modern languages like C#, Python, Kotlin and Haskel. (See [here](

4 years ago

Not your grandpa's stancientic Pascal: it continues to add cool new features and borrow some ideas from other modern languages like C#, Python, Kotlin and Haskel. (See [here](

4 years ago

Not your grandpa's static Pascal: it continues to add cool new features and borrow some ideas from other modern languages like C#, Python, Kotlin and Haskel. (See [here](

4 years ago

See [here](

4 years ago
Actively developed and updated open source projectActively developed and updated (opensource project!)
See [here](

4 years ago
Actively developed and updated (opensource project!)Actively developed and updated

4 years ago
Actively developed and updatedSupport and docs is mostly in Russian (on their forums) due to the product origins (Russian Southern Federal University), although basic English interface is supported out-of-box (installer, IDE, debugger and compiler, not help file)

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