Endi Sukaj
Endi Sukaj
8 years ago

Hey, thanks for adding this option. I have never been on the php IRC channel, are people there helpful usually?

Scott Godin
Scott Godin
8 years ago

yeah, I tend to frequent the place often, for numerous channels: #fedora, #fedora-selinux, #perl, ##php, #vim, and many others. It's particularly useful when google/bing aren't yielding useful results, or if you need a bit of talking - through to help understand unfamiliar concepts.

Endi Sukaj
Endi Sukaj
8 years ago

I see, thanks a lot! I might start hanging out there, I never thought about it and sometimes I'm bashing my head trying to solve a problem I can't google my way out of!

Izem Lavrenti
Izem Lavrenti
8 years ago

Hey, this is very similar to this one: http://www.slant.co/topics/5380/~and-fastest-forums-websites-for-php-questions

Or were you looking for something else?

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