Advertisements included with this Kindle Paperwhite

To keep the price low, Amazon has included ads on the Kindle Paperwhite. You can remove ads for an additional $20. If you don't though, they will appear as a screensaver (whenever you aren't reading they will display on the screen - this doesn't take power as the Paperwhite uses an E-ink display). They will also appear as a small banner on the bottom of the screen when browsing in the store.

8 years ago
Advertisements included with this Kindle PaperwhiteAdvertisements included with this Paperwhite
To keep the price low, Amazon has included ads on the Kindle Paperwhite. You can remove ads for an additional $20. If you don't though, they will appear as a screensaver (whenever you aren't reading they will display on the screen - this doesn't take power as the Paperwhite uses an E-ink display). They will also appear as a small banner on the bottom of the screen when browsing in the store.

8 years ago
Advertisements included with this PaperwhiteAdvertisements included with the Paperwhite

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