7 years ago

5 months and still no basic account management? really?

Stuart Kearney
Stuart Kearney
7 years ago

Password reset will be on the profile page in the next hour. Email changing will be next. I'm really sorry we dropped the ball here.

Endi Sukaj
Endi Sukaj
8 years ago

Hey, I marked this question as not a fit since it does not fit Slant's style of asking questions. However, I thank you for taking the time to ask and give feedback.

Updating passwords and deleting accounts are being worked on. I can't say anything on 2-factor authentication but I will forward your question to our dev team.

Steve Human
Steve Human
8 years ago

And when will 2 factor authentication be implemented?

Steve Human
Steve Human
8 years ago

And how would a user go about deleting their account?

Steve Human
Steve Human
8 years ago

And how do you update your password once you're logged in?

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