Free and commercial tutorials
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Pro Written by experienced & well known Blender artist
Andrew Price, the author behind Blender guru, has been using Blender since 2004. He started Blender Guru in 2009, and now works with Blender3D as his day job as well.
His work/tutorials are very well know.
Pro Covers a variety of topics
There are tutorials for themes, textures, and helpful advice (such as how to recover lost work).
Pro Frequently updated
The site is updated with a new tutorial every month or so.
Con Very specific solutions
If you want to learn to solve very specific problems in specific ways, BlenderGuru's tutorials are great. If what you want is to know how to do certain things in general (make materials, sculpt, etc.), and make yourself a solid 3D hobbyist or professional, then you should look for a more generalized resource.
Con Sometimes physically inaccurate
Not all of his techniques are physically accurate, even when he makes a point of the importance of physical accuracy. This is especially true with scale. 1 BU = 1m
Con Very expensive
Full courses are very expensive, especially considering most of the topics can be found for free on YouTube.