Dungeon Hunter 4 is a free-to-play multiplayer action role playing game filled with loot and plenty of hacking and slashing.
Pro Great graphics that show off the prowess of the developers and what the Android operating system can handle
The in-game graphics and cutscenes are done very well, and show off what modern devices can handle. This is definitely one of the better looking games out there for mobile, despite its age. Close to a console game in looks, with polish in presentation and design.
Pro Fun local co-op that works solidly with no lag and lends itself well to hack and slash gameplay
Dungeon Hunter 4 can be played over a local Wi-Fi network in co-op play with friends who have a device on the same OS and the game installed. The multiplayer itself is quite enjoyable, in that the cooperation makes for a better experience over playing the game by oneself. Each class has their own distinct playstyle and special abilities so you and your friends can come up with some synergistic compositions that play well off one another. Being able to run around and shoot enemies together while strategizing how best to take them down allows for a lot more interactivity than the single player portion of the game.
Pro Worthwhile controller support for popular controller platforms MOGA and Shield
Dungeon Hunter 4 features MOGA controller support as well as Shield games support. Meaning you can play the game with tactile controls, which allows for more precise movement and action.
Pro Melee and ranged are two distinct experiences
There is a vast difference between how melee and ranged play - both in character control and combat style. Melee uses a single button attack, can soak more damage, and uses impressive area of effect attacks. Ranged classes are more focused on precision movement, and use a dual-stick setup that involves plenty of kiting enemies. Having two distinct combat playstyles and control schemes means even if you get bored with one, you can just swap to the other for a totally new experience.
Con Hobbled gameplay in order to force purchases of in-app-purchases
By limiting the amount of potions the player is able to use, and forcing an excruciatingly slow replenish time, Dungeon Hunter 4 has broken the core gameplay in order to force users into spending real money, just to fend off these false limitations. No matter how many times one pays, these timers will always come back. It is a never ending cycle of payment, just to be able to play the game in any acceptable manner.
Con Generic hack and slash
While fighting through swarms of enemies with your friends makes this a fun co-op game, it is pretty generic overall. The classes are the usual archetypes (fighter, mage, etc), the story is paper thin, and the gameplay itself brings nothing new or innovative to the genre.
Flagged Pros + Cons
Con Hobbled gameplay to force purchase of in app purchases
By limiting the amount of potions the player is able to use and forcing an excruciatingly slow replenish time Dungeon hunter 4 has broken the core gameplay in order to force users into spending real money just to fend off these false limitations, which no matter how many times one pays will always come back. It is a never ending cycle of payment just to be able to play the game in any acceptable manner.