CodeTogether is a remote pair programming solution that can be installed into IntelliJ, Eclipse and VS Code.
Participants can join coding sessions in any browser or supported IDE, with access to core coding features like content assist, validation and navigation along with a workspace-wide file content search. Console output is shared and participants can execute commands in shared host terminals. The coding experience is as performant as any local IDE. CodeTogether can handle dozens of participants, so mob programming with simultaneous editing is possible as well. With integrated team support, it's easy to invite colleagues to a session or join already running sessions.
Join immediately from a browser without any installations or plugins, or join from an IDE after installing the CodeTogether plugin.
CodeTogether can be installed on-premises for an additional layer of security, and access can be further gated using a single sign-on service.
Pro Run tests & launches
Guests can remotely run tests, analyze the results and can even write tests, allowing test-driven development (TDD) in a remote environment. Guests can also execute run configurations from the host IDE, remotely launching applications with the ability to stop and monitor the invocations.
Pro Team Support
View other members of your team connected to the CodeTogether service, easily and securely invite them to sessions, or join already running sessions.
Pro SSO Integration
Access to CodeTogether can be gated through SSO providers like Okta, Microsoft AD FS, etc., which support the OpenID Connect protocol.