The City Select is a stroller for very active parents who take their kids everywhere they go. You can easily fit it in small doorways and spaces because it isn't as wide as other strollers.
Pro Seating arrangement provides variety to children of different ages
There are 16 different configurations to setup the stroller according to your needs. The most common configuration is the car seat (front) + toddler seat (back) for families with a toddler and a baby.
For parents, it's helpful that the stroller can adapt to various parenting scenarios. For example, if one of your children frequently demands attention while the other wants to see more of the world, you can choose to have one seated facing you while the other faces the front.
Pro Equipped with a handbrake for easier deceleration
The handbrake on the right side of the handlebar is very useful especially in sloping streets. A heavy stroller can pull you with its weight, which could endanger you and your children's lives. With the handbrakes, you'll be able to control the stroller much more easily.