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When comparing MPC-HC vs Rage, the Slant community recommends MPC-HC for most people. In the question“What are the best video players?” MPC-HC is ranked 3rd while Rage is ranked 7th.
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Pro Supports H.265, and has for over 5 years
Pro Is actively developed by clsid2 on github
Pro Supports frame stepping with Ctrl+Left/Right
Useful for game development frame debugging. Your average user won't need this. VLC has frame advance, but it's hidden and non-intuitive; not clear if VLC can step backwards.
Pro Lightweight
A very lightweight media player, with almost no dependencies.
Pro Fully customizable
Since it is written with efl there is basically everything possible that you can imagine.
Con Discontinued
It's been discontinued since 2017.
Con Windows only
MPC-HC supports only Windows operating systems.
Con Customization is hard
Customization is done in efl which uses a C-like syntax.