N2O vs CodeBehind
When comparing N2O vs CodeBehind, the Slant community recommends N2O for most people. In the question“What are the best backend web frameworks?” N2O is ranked 29th while CodeBehind is ranked 36th.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Fast binary data
Pro Binary encoding and protocols
Here is a list of types of endpoints which are supported by EMQ and accesible to N2O apps: WebSockets, MQTT, MQTT-SN, TCP, UDP, CoAP. Normal use of N2O as a Web Framework or a Web Application Server is through WebSockets, but for IoT and MQTT applications it could be served through UDP or SCTP protocols providing application level message delivery consistency.
Pro Modern
CodeBehind is a modern framework with revolutionary ideas.
Pro Code-Behind
Code-Behind pattern will be fully respected.
Pro Under .NET Core
Your project will still be under ASP.NET Core and you will benefit from all the benefits of .NET Core.
Pro Get output
You can call the output of the aspx page in another aspx page and modify its output.
Pro Modular
It is modular. Just copy the new project files, including dll and aspx, into the current active project.
Pro Simple
Developing with CodeBehind is very simple. You can use mvc pattern or model-view or controller-view or only view.
Pro Fast
The CodeBehind framework is faster than the default structure of cshtml pages in ASP.NET Core.
Con Unfriendly developer community
Developers are often rude and unfriendly to users.
Con Bad documentation
It has bad documentation, which leaves out crucial steps, making it hard to learn.