When comparing DBeaver vs Adminer, the Slant community recommends DBeaver for most people. In the question“What are the best GUI tools for PostgreSQL on Windows?” DBeaver is ranked 1st while Adminer is ranked 17th. The most important reason people chose DBeaver is:
Supported on Windows (2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10), Linux, Mac OS and Solaris (x86).
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Cross-platform
Supported on Windows (2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10), Linux, Mac OS and Solaris (x86).
Pro Free
It is licensed under GPL v2.
Pro Works for many types of databases
MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Sybase, Java DB (Derby), Firebird (Interbase), Derby (JavaDB), SQLite, Mimer, HSQLDB, H2, IBM Informix, Teradata, SAP MAX DB, Cache, Ingres, Linter, Vertica, MongoDB, Cassandra, ODBC, Any JDBC compliant data source.
Pro Follow foreign key to their primary key
If you have a table with a foreign key you can click on it to see the table row where this key references to.
Pro Formatted text view
It has the classic grid view and a well-organized text view that you can quick-select with CTRL-A.
Pro Easy to use, clean neat inteface
Pro Lightweight
The installation and Adminer itself only requires a single PHP file. Once it's uploaded you can log in and start using it.
Pro Supports more than MySQL
It supports several database management systems (Postgres, SQLite, Oracle, MS SQL and of course MySQL).
Pro Database views
Anyone who uses the views function will appreciate Adminer better. You can click on a view and edit to change the view. In phpMyAdmin, you can edit a view, but it's not easy or intuitive. SQL Buddy doesn't have any way of doing this.
Pro Themes
Has a great variety of themes which transfers pretty ugly application into a great looking one.
Pro Installation
No need to install, it's available to use out of the box.
Con Never-ending function errors
Like, 'Communications link failure', 'Connection refused' (Community Edition 6.2.1).
Con Cannot view function
Con Trigger edition
Until version 3.5.8 you can not edit triggers, only view (since 3.5.6).