When comparing Downcast vs Player FM, the Slant community recommends Downcast for most people. In the question“What are the best podcast apps for iOS?” Downcast is ranked 3rd while Player FM is ranked 8th. The most important reason people chose Downcast is:
Downcast can be set to automatically download new episodes of podcasts in the background.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Auto-downloads podcasts
Downcast can be set to automatically download new episodes of podcasts in the background.
Pro Adjustable playback speed
You can change the playback speed to fit your needs up to 3x the speed.
Pro Sync between iOS devices
Downcast can synchronize podcasts and settings across iOS devices through iCloud.
Pro Supports password-protected feeds
Pro Accesses iTunes podcast library
Pro Gesture shortcuts
Downcast supports multi-touch gestures for navigating around.
Pro Sleep timer
You can set Downcast to shut off podcasts after a set amount of time.
Pro Adjustable skip interval
Pro Set the end time to be x seconds / minutes from the end time.
The ability to set the end time to be x seconds / minutes from the end is so excellent.
Pro Set the start time to be x seconds / minutes from the start time.
The ability to set the start time to be x seconds / minutes from the start time is amazing.
Pro Straightforward discovery system with feed support
This app helps users subscribe to podcasts through browsing top lists and categories as well as entering a feed or OPML address.
Pro Simple to use UI
Downcast has a straightforward, intuitive user interface.
Pro Mac App available
Pro Can stream episodes without downloading
Pro Can prioritize playlists
You can have Downcast prioritize your playlists automatically, allowing you to listen to podcasts in the order your prefer without you having to manually reorganize them.
Pro Set how long you wish to keep your podcasts locally
Downcast can be set to automatically remove podcasts that have been on your device for a certain amount of time or take up a certain amount of space on your device. This can be done to groups of podcasts or on a per podcast basis.
Pro AirPlay support
Pro Prioritizes show notes
Selecting a podcast for playback will bring up shownotes, instead of the more common choice of album art.
Pro Web player
Functional web app that shares settings with Android app.
Pro Seamless offline support
Latest episodes from Subscriptions and Play Later are automatically kept offline.
Pro Discovery
Can follow whole topics and search individual episodes.
Pro Cloud sync
Subscriptions and favorite topics sync across devices and the web.
Pro Best online support
Pro No ads
This shows a responsible attitude about in-app ads.
Con Extremely buggy
Around mid-2015 Downcast implemented some code that started to leave infinite loop processes that have the potential to cause the phone to heat up, lag, crash Downcast, or crash other apps. The bugs have only continued to get worse. Go with Overcast or Pocket Casts, or even Podcatcher for the Downcast feel.
Con Doesn't sync with iTunes
Con Next played episode is wrong sometimes
On some podcasts when an episode ends the player "jumps" to the last episode or even to an entirely different podcast.