Rocket vs CodeBehind
When comparing Rocket vs CodeBehind, the Slant community recommends Rocket for most people. In the question“What are the best backend web frameworks?” Rocket is ranked 14th while CodeBehind is ranked 36th. The most important reason people chose Rocket is:
Rocket makes extensive use of Rust's code generation tools to provide a clean API.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Easy To Use
Rocket makes extensive use of Rust's code generation tools to provide a clean API.
Pro Streams
Rocket streams all incoming and outgoing data, so size isn't a concern.
Pro Cookies
View, add, or remove cookies, with or without encryption, without hassle.
Pro Testing Library
Unit test your applications with ease using the built-in testing library.
Pro Extensible
Easily create your own primitives that any Rocket application can use.
Pro Templating
Rocket makes rendering templates a breeze with built-in templating support.
Pro Query Strings
Handling query strings and parameters is type-safe and easy in Rocket.
Pro Type Safe
From request to response Rocket ensures that your types mean something.
Pro Boilerplate Free
Spend your time writing code that really matters, and let Rocket generate the rest.
Pro Config Environments
Configure your application your way for development, staging, and production.
Pro Modern
CodeBehind is a modern framework with revolutionary ideas.
Pro Code-Behind
Code-Behind pattern will be fully respected.
Pro Under .NET Core
Your project will still be under ASP.NET Core and you will benefit from all the benefits of .NET Core.
Pro Get output
You can call the output of the aspx page in another aspx page and modify its output.
Pro Modular
It is modular. Just copy the new project files, including dll and aspx, into the current active project.
Pro Simple
Developing with CodeBehind is very simple. You can use mvc pattern or model-view or controller-view or only view.
Pro Fast
The CodeBehind framework is faster than the default structure of cshtml pages in ASP.NET Core.
Con Abandoned
Con Nightly
Uses only nightly versions of Rust.