When comparing WeatherBug vs Iridium, the Slant community recommends Iridium for most people. In the question“What are the best Chrome add-ons?” Iridium is ranked 37th while WeatherBug is ranked 64th. The most important reason people chose Iridium is:
Keeps up with updating bugs regularly. Always comments on 'issues' on git.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Precise location data
WeatherBug estimates your location with a precision of a few meters.
Pro Warns of severe weather conditions
This app will send you a push notification a set amount of time before rain, storms, etc.
Pro Detailed hourly and weekly forecasts
Pro Radar map
Pro Spark lightning notifier
A feature called Spark shows where lightnings take place by accessing real-time lightning monitoring information. You can then set it up to notify you when lightning has struck in a specific place or when a lightning storm is near your location.
Pro Video of national forecasts
Pro Ability to customize your background
Pro The developer particlecore is a respected github open source programmer and he presents all the functionality for free
Keeps up with updating bugs regularly. Always comments on 'issues' on git.
Pro Lightweight youtube.com enhancer and user experience editor
It does not overwhelm you with too many options, so you do not have difficulty choosing or having to try loads of different setups to get it just right. However the most important features are there.
Pro The extensions from the chrome store is also available on firefox & waterfox
If using a script manager it is usable across a whole range of browsers. There is a free script available to be used in browser script managers like ''Tampermonkey" which includes all functions of the addon through the script injections.
Con Cluttered UI
Con Non-removable ads
Con Iridium is currently on hold
The current build includes a bug which seems to break youtube functionality. However after a bit of searching, a solution can be found. Posted here to help others who might be debugging all their extensions for youtube not loading videos.
The solution for many seems to be to keep the autoplay function within Iridium settings ON.
Now your videos will most likely load and play again like they should.