When comparing WeatherBug vs AdBlock Plus, the Slant community recommends AdBlock Plus for most people. In the question“What are the best Chrome add-ons?” AdBlock Plus is ranked 16th while WeatherBug is ranked 64th.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Precise location data
WeatherBug estimates your location with a precision of a few meters.
Pro Warns of severe weather conditions
This app will send you a push notification a set amount of time before rain, storms, etc.
Pro Detailed hourly and weekly forecasts
Pro Radar map
Pro Spark lightning notifier
A feature called Spark shows where lightnings take place by accessing real-time lightning monitoring information. You can then set it up to notify you when lightning has struck in a specific place or when a lightning storm is near your location.
Pro Video of national forecasts
Pro Ability to customize your background
Pro Free & open source
Pro Blocks a wide selection of annoying ads
Video ads on YouTube, Facebook ads, flashy banners, pop-ups, pop-unders and much more.
Con Cluttered UI
Con Non-removable ads
Con Uses too much RAM
AdBlock+ tends to use a lot of memory, which has been documented in many use cases as well as admitted by AdBlock themselves. Considering there are alternatives out there that can block ads successfully with half the RAM usage as AdBlock, one has to wonder why this is a problem specific to AdBock.
Con Users automatically opted in to whitelist
AdBlock+ has an automatic whitelist when installed that allows certain advertisers through the blocking mechanism. The fact that these advertisers pay for this privilege makes this particular scenario rife with conflict of interest.