antiX vs SparkyLinux
When comparing antiX vs SparkyLinux, the Slant community recommends antiX for most people. In the question“What are the best Linux distributions for desktops?” antiX is ranked 57th while SparkyLinux is ranked 67th. The most important reason people chose antiX is:
Has a 70-90MB memory footprint.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Extremely lightweight
Has a 70-90MB memory footprint.
Pro Quick installation
The installation procedure for antiX is quick and painless. It installs the OS and grub in no time.
Pro Works well on 32-bit PC
Fewer distros are available to work on 32-bit machines. This works well on old Toshiba. Quick enough on older machines not to notice any lagging.
Pro Stats appear on the desktop
Pro Works very well on ASUS 1005HA netbook
Faster than other distros tested, including many on this list.
Pro Based on Debian
You have access to a large user repository, Ubuntu guides can mostly be applied since both are based on Debian.
Pro Rolling or Stable Choice
You have the option for Sparky to be based on Stable or Non-Stable, bringing greater flexibility to user priorities.
Pro Lightweight core
Sparky is designed to be lightweight in it's core. It is based on Debian but optimised for old hardware, meaning you can run a full heavy desktop environment on a lightweight foundation, bringing greater performance compared to similar Debian or Ubuntu-based distros.
Pro All vanilla desktop environments available
Any Linux desktop in it's vanilla form can be installed on top of Sparky, whether that be alongside a pre-existing environment, or on top of a basic command line system. Furthermore, the command line system is easy to operate due to Sparky's advanced installer utility, from which you can choose whichever desktop environment you desire, straight from the Debian repositories. Guidance is on their website.