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When comparing Zed vs Angular IDE (by Webclipse), the Slant community recommends Angular IDE (by Webclipse) for most people. In the question“What are the best JavaScript IDEs or editors?” Angular IDE (by Webclipse) is ranked 31st while Zed is ranked 42nd.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Common Questions
Pro Customizable themes
Zed provides you with both light and dark themes out of the box. You can also develop your own with CSS.
Pro Advanced coding of HTML templates with validation and auto-complete
Pro Angular-CLI
Integrated usage of the angular-CLI for Angular best practices.
Pro TypeScript 2.x validation and debugging
Con No auto-complete
There is no auto-complete support built in for JavaScript.
Con Auto-save could be more stable
Auto-save is a great feature, but there is no way to disable it.
Con Very slow
Slower as compared to other editors/ides like VScode, Sublime, Comodo.
Con Commercial
Gives only 8 days per month to use all features like automatic imports, code formatting and so on.