When comparing Tails vs OS X Mavericks, the Slant community recommends Tails for most people. In the question“What is the best laptop OS?” Tails is ranked 34th while OS X Mavericks is ranked 59th.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Privacy focused
Pro Has TOR built-in
Use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship; all connections to the Internet are forced to go through the Tor network.
Pro Easy to use with an USB key
Pro Battery optimization
There are many features that improve battery life, such as App Nap.
Pro Great if you don't like El Capitan and up.
Relatively fast and retains many design decisions of the OS X of old.
Pro Memory compression features
You can have a lot of things running yet have plenty of memory left.
Pro Free if you have Snow leopard or Lion
Pro Very tweakable
There are many things you can still change through the terminal.
Pro Still supported so far
Con Not for daily use
Tails is a privacy focused Linux distro. The updates that you will receive are only for improving privacy and not for improving user experience.
Con You can't install it to a hard drive
Con Saved states are not present for security
For security reasons, saved states are not supported in Tails. Files can be stored in a separate, persistent volume which must be accessed with a root password. Personal settings (e.g. -- keyboard layout, window settings, etc.) are not saved persistently across reboots. This can be a hindrance for anyone not using English as their language, or not using a QWERTY keyboard layout.
Con Only GNOME desktop environment
Con Slow internet
Tails uses the TOR network and as a result the internet on your computer will be very slow.
Con Outdated OS version
No longer supported by Apple (neither bugfixes or security fixes). The last release was in 2014.
Con Slower compared to previous versions
Con Very hard to find
Apple is very keen to only show the latest version.