Commonly Compared
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Free
All apps are free on 1AppMarket.
Pro Developer portal
Developers can upload their apps on 1AppMarket.
Pro Fast download
1AppMarket has fast download speeds when compared to some overseas stores.
Pro Global presence
1AppMarket has a global presence, especially outside of North America.
Pro Malware free
Zero tolerance for malware on 1AppMarket.
Con Doesn't have all apps
1AppMarket is still growing, with new releases being added all the time.
Con Appears to be just a website
If it has a native store-browsing APK, it's not immediately obvious.
Con Poorly organized
The site is poorly organized and does not 'feel' like an app store on pc or mobile.
Con Difficult to find
Unless you're following the link from this site, 1appmarket is challenging to find through popular search engines.
Con Not all the apps are free
You need to buy some apps.
Con It's not available on web
Commonly Compared
![ illustration](/images/ai/vetted-illustration.png)