When comparing SpiderOak vs DigiBoxx, the Slant community recommends SpiderOak for most people. In the question“What are the best cloud storage services?” SpiderOak is ranked 10th while DigiBoxx is ranked 17th. The most important reason people chose SpiderOak is:
Thus you have a single service for all of the things.
Ranked in these QuestionsQuestion Ranking
Pro Combines cloud syncing, storage service and backup client
Thus you have a single service for all of the things.
Pro Available for many platforms
The Spideroak client is available for Linux, MacOS, Windows, Android and iOS.
Pro Incrementals
SpiderOak updates only that part of the file that has changed, saving bandwidth and time.
Pro Zero knowledge
Data is locally encrypted before uploading to Spideroak. They cannot recover your data even if they wanted to since it is stored in encrypted state on their servers.
Pro Unintrusive
Pro Very Cheap
Costs $3.99/Year
Pro End-to-End Encrypted
Uses End-to-End Encryption Unlike Google Drive and One Drive
Pro Free Plan Available
Digiboxx also has a Free Plan with 20GB Storage
Pro Data Centres not in the US
All the Data is stored in Indian Servers not in the US which spies on users data.
Con Focused on Media
Main focus is on backup for Photos and Videos.
Con Only Catering to Indian Citizens (Not Fully Tested)
Not fully tested but International Citizens can test buying the subscription of Digiboxx