Orcs Must Die 2 combines Tower Defense and Action genres. The gameplay consists of buying and laying traps as well as using spells and weapons to fight off hordes of enemies.
Pro Challenging gameplay
The game requires a good bit of balance from the player as traps can only be used so much in the game due to limited currency earned from killing Orcs. This means that often there is not enough traps to kill the amount of Orcs in the stage and as so the player will have to run in and slay these Orcs themselves. This balance of offense and defense makes for a good challenge as it can often get quite hectic.
Pro Absolutely fantastic co-op
Unlike the first game in the series Orcs Must Die 2 allows for co-op multiplayer where two players can team up to kill hordes, each with their own skills and many slots to add equipment. This not only allows for more fast paced action but for strategical combat where it is best played out with headsets as communication is key. Overall the co-op adds a level of fun that was missing from the first title.
Con Gets repetitive over time
Actually since the game is perfection based (meaning you'll want to redo areas for better scoring) and has plenty of included plus DLC maps you can play OMD2 for quite a while and it will seem fresh. The difference in difficulty levels also can refresh the same map since varying levels release different type of enemies.