Battle Block Theater is a puzzle adventure game that can be played single player as well as co-op or PVP that costs $14.99.
The core gameplay consists of 2D puzzle platforming where the player must collect gems in a level and then reach the exit. For what sounds simple enough can at times be excruciatingly difficult.
Pro Good mix of co-op and PvP multiplayer modes keeps the game enticing
The 2-player co-op campaign is very similar to the single-player one, except that it requires cooperation between the two players. It can be played online or with 2 local players. There is also an arena mode with competitive levels that supports up to 4 players (local, online, or mixed). This gives a good variety of online and local play modes, which should keep the game fresh.
Pro No difficulty spikes, the game is very well balanced
The difficulty curve for Battle Block Theater is so evenly programmed that the player will barely notice things are getting harder. It really does an impressive job of training the player to handle any challenge the game throws at them.
Pro Well balanced difficulty curve
The difficulty curve for Battle Block Theater is so evenly programmed that the player will barely notice that it is progressively getting more difficult. It really does a swell job of integrating the player to where they can handle any challenge the game throws at them.
Pro Co-op adds a completely new element to the gameplay
There is a modified co-op campaign in the game where players must coordinate their actions to succeed. This makes for a fun couch co-op game due to the communication one must have with their partner as well as how fun it is to grief them in person.
Pro 2-player co-op campaign, 4-player competitive levels
The 2-player co-op campaign is very similar to the single-player one, but slightly different because it requires co-operation between the two players. It can be played either online or with 2 local players.
There is also a versus/arena mode with competitive levels. Such mode supports up to 4 players (local, online or mixed).